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Approaching the Finish Line

A two-year multi-phase project is coming to a close. In the summer of 2022, we began our roof project—initially a 3-year, 3-phase project, with a portion on the south side by the bell tower entrance (Phase 1). We were blessed with gifts to be able to pay this phase in full. 

As we prepared for Phase 2 in the summer of 2023, we knew we had some issues to address in our Phase 2 portion of the roof (shown on diagram); additionally, portions of Phase 3 were becoming more and more problematic. After some great discussions with the contractor, Security Luebke, they agreed to move forward with both Phases 2 and 3 (the remainder of the entire roof) in 2023 in an effort to protect the assets inside the facility. In addition, President Loberger worked out an interest-free payment plan with the contractors.

Drawing showing the location of the three phases of the roof project

What Does this Project Still Need?

That brings us to our current situation. The roof project is complete, but we still have about $250,000 in payments for the building. A very generous donor has put forth $100,000 as a matching gift to help us get near the end of paying this project off. We pray that we can meet this matching gift and turn the page on the roof project.

Possibly, the Lord would have you consider a year-end gift to help us meet this need. If you have any questions about giving a gift to this project and assisting in meeting the matching gift challenge, please contact either President Jeffrey J. Loberger or Director of Mission Advancement Jay Wendland. Thank you for your consideration!


Thank You!

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