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Introducing FVL's Mission Advancement Team

A school is more than just its teachers. At FVL, multiple offices work rigorously on the many facets of our ministry, which enable our teachers to provide quality Christian education to our students year after year. Join us, as we take a deeper dive into one of the departments here at FVL.

Mission Advancement Department Goal

We support and drive the strategic objectives of Fox Valley Lutheran High School by building relationships and enhancing the overall mission of the school.

How do we do this?

Through phone calls, letters, emails, events, visits to Federation churches, presentations, one-on-one conversations, and more, we are privileged to communicate how God is working through the high school, and how supporters can make a difference.

We are passionate about FVL’s mission to prepare students for lives of service and for eternity, and it is a joy to share FVL’s ministry stories.

We look forward to seeing you at FVL events and around the Federation!

Who's Who in Mission Advancement

Smiling head shot of Jeffrey J. Loberger

Mr. Jeffrey J. Loberger


In addition to making sure the lights are on in the building and the school is running like a well-oiled machine, President Loberger oversees the Mission Advancement Office as a whole. Jeff regularly meets with individuals to discuss the outlook of the high school and overall needs. Additionally, he meets with many of the Federation’s congregations and councils to provide updates on FVL.

Smiling head shot of Rev. Thomas Mielke

Rev. Tom Mielke

Director of Mission Advancement

As the newly-called Director of Mission Advancement, Rev. Tom Mielke oversees the day-to-day working of the MA Office. He will also be a familiar face at congregations and council meetings throughout the 43 Federation churches to help provide an outlook on Fox Valley Lutheran. Tom has a lengthy background in Mission Advancement work, but also specializes in estate planning, retirement assets, and additional planned and deferred gifts.

Smiling head shot of Cody Bohl

Mr. Cody Bohl

Mission Advancement Counselor

Cody’s background in marketing, communications, and fundraising has led him back to FVL, from where he graduated in 2008. In addition to meeting with many of the high school’s supporters individually, Cody works with FVL’s alumni and leads the Partnering with Business program. Cody develops the communication needs of the MA office, working side-by-side with FVL’s Communications team. He also assists with visiting congregations and church councils as needed.

Smiling head shot of Jenny Koch

Mrs. Jenny Koch

Part-Time MA Assistant

Jenny plays a vital role in the Mission Advancement Office and is critical to helping maintain the overall database for the school with the most updated information. She leads the input of gifts and receipts for all supporters of FVL. 

Smiling head shot of Shayne Clausen

Mrs. Shayne Clausen

Part-Time Events Coordinator

Shayne leads the school’s event coordination, working closely with the President and the MA and Admissions Offices. She knows the ins and outs of each and every event hosted by FVL and is crucial to the success of the FoxFest Dinner Auction, annual golf outing, Friends Dinner, 8th Grade Welcome Night, and much, much more. 

Click on any photo to see an expanded view of these Mission Advancement event photos.

Check out the fvlhs.org/giving page to find out what Mission Advancement events  are coming up and how your donations can make a difference to FVL’s ministry!

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