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Your Support Makes a Difference

Together Everyone Achieves More (TEAM). I am sure you have heard or seen this before. You have probably seen it printed on t-shirts, painted on athletic hallways, or spoken by a coach or other leader. Yet, as cliché as it may sound, it is amazing how applicable this acronym remains to all of us!

Two smiling girls and a guy holding a

This year (October 2023) marked the 5th year of the annual Let the Children Come mortgage payment, thus completing the fulfillment of our first bond note in the process. We are thrilled to have celebrated the Burning of Note “A” at our annual Friends Dinner. As a matter of fact, through your generosity, we were able to put forth over $118,000 toward Bond Note “B,” thereby saving almost $30,000 in interest over the next 5 years. Furthermore, we are ever mindful of the tremendous need for tuition assistance. In a society where inflation continues to plague many of our families, the FVL Family responded together. This year, 105 students have already received financial assistance, enabling them to attend FVL and obtain a Christian education!

As these continue to be important needs of the high school, we also had two major initiatives to improve and internally expand our facility. The first was our locker expansion project. We had a tremendous gift to serve as a match, and within 3 months, the entirety of the match was met. This helped to increase the student capacity from 742 to now 827 students. We anticipate being at or above this new capacity within 3 or 4 years. Also, we transitioned a classroom into office space for our Communications Team. This gave us space to call an Assistant Dean of Student Life, as well as to grow our Mission Advancement Office. We were blessed to have completed this project in September and now look forward to seeing those individuals and departments help to support and enhance our ministry. 

As you prayerfully consider how the Lord may use you and the blessings he has given you, know that together, the FVL Family can accomplish more as a T.E.A.M.

Your Support Makes a Difference

FVL is blessed with supportive Federation congregations, donors, and alumni who love their school. Praise the Lord for the gifts that have blessed FVL during our 71 years of ministry! 

Three funds - Roof Project has received $10K, Tuition Assistance has reached $39K. Mortgage payment has reached $37K.

To support
hese efforts . . .

Mail your check to

Fox Valley Lutheran HS

5300 N. Meade Street, Appleton, WI


President Jeffrey J. Loberger

president@fvlhs.org - 920-560-5129

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