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Thank You, Veterans

In celebration of Veterans Day, local vets and their guests were invited to campus on Monday, November 11. The morning began at 8:30 AM with breakfast in Commons, served by Student Council.

Following breakfast and time for socializing, guests were invited to a special worship service and presentation in the chapel. After a brief welcome message from Student Council President, Grace Peters, Rev. Wenzel delivered a devotion on Psalm 144:1-2, which reminds us that God is our eternal fortress and sanctuary. Rev. Wenzel’s message also drew on the lyrics of “Amazing Grace,” encouraging the assembly to recognize that through God’s grace, Christians find their true home in heaven.

Our special presenter for this year’s celebration was Sergeant Paul Wolfgramm, USMC Reserves (Ret.), who spoke of his military career, particularly his deployment to Iraq in 2008. His message focused on the importance of God’s Word and Sacraments for all people, but particularly for WELS members serving in the military, who may have limited access to WELS ministry. Since 2016, SGT Wolfgramm has been serving with the WELS Military Services committee. He shared the mission of that committee with the assembly. If you are serving in the military or know someone who is, connect with WELS Military Services by visiting wels.net/military or call Chaplain Horn at 765-609-0890.

The FVL band, under the direction of Mr. James Neujahr, beautified the service with several songs including a special tribute to all branches of the military.

Paul Wolfgramm, speaking at Veterans Day event

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