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Gifts from the Heart

December is upon us, and with it the annual season of gift-giving. Gifts—acts or goods given from the heart to demonstrate love and support to another—often make us reflect on the giver, causing us to wonder what motivated his or her generosity. The timeliness of gifts, the personal sacrifice that went into them, and the monetary value that they have strengthen the bonds between giver and receiver and remind them both of the value they find in one another.

Rendering of the outside of the Timothy Trout Sports Center
Rendering of the courts inside the Timothy Trout Sports Center
Rendering of the golf area in the sports center

Generous Gift Received

This past spring, after many months of discussing various needs for our students, student-athletes, and our Federation as a whole with rising enrollments, FVL was given a tremendous gift to help support facility needs on our campus—the funding to construct a Sports Center on the north side of campus. 

The donors have shared two questions on which they meditated before offering this gift: (1) “Will this help the mission of the school by encouraging or attracting others to come to FVL?” and (2) “Will this help students and athletes in times of harsh winters and spring?” The values that motivated this donor couple were clear—mission and students. 

This gift to FVL is and will be a lasting legacy. Countless students will be impacted through PE classes, high school athletics, and youth programs for grade school children. In addition, we anticipate having winter golf leagues for adults, alumni events and reunions, and much more to help encourage and engage the entire FVL Family. 

As you reflect on the gifts you receive this Christmas season and in the weeks, months, and years ahead, never forget the greatest gift given to us all…the gift of a Savior. Let God’s perfect solution to humankind’s fallen state stay on the forefront of your mind. Like our donors, who are funding this special gift of a Sports Center, seek ways to grow God’s Kingdom with your own gifts, whatever they may be. May the Lord bless this gift to the mission and vision of FVL as it impacts the physical and spiritual lives of students and adults for decades to come.

—Jeffrey J. Loberger

FVL President

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