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Summer Campus Projects

We thank God for the tremendous blessings he has already given us to make these campus improvements, and we pray for the continued generosity of our supporters as the work progresses.

  • ROOF - Phase 1 was completed in the summer of 2022. We are still in need of $150,000 for Phase 2 and another $443,000 for Phase 3. To protect the assets inside the building, both Phases 2 and 3 will be completed in 2023. In order to accomplish this, we have been given a loan, which will remain interest-free through 2024.
  • PARKING LOT - Lot 1 was replaced in the summer of 2022. This summer, the remaining lots will be resealed to extend their life. Replacement will resume in 2024. 
Drawing of an aerial view of the school with the three roof sections and the five parking lot sections marked out

Tiling being done in the former pits area

Interior Projects (Fully Funded)


The pits were filled in with concrete during spring break. In June, the interior windows were bricked in, floors were tiled, and new lockers were installed. 


A classroom is being converted into an office suite for our Communications personnel, freeing up office space for our expanding Mission Advancement and Student Life Departments.

Your Support Makes a Difference

FVL is blessed with supportive Federation congregations, donors, and alumni who love their school. Praise the Lord for the gifts that have blessed FVL during our 70 years of ministry! 

Tuition Assistance goal of $350K has been reached. Mortgage payment has reached $205K. FVL Foundation has reached $23K

To support
hese efforts . . .

Mail your check to

Fox Valley Lutheran HS

5300 N. Meade Street, Appleton, WI


Mission Advancement Director


Would You Like to Find Out More?

Director of Mission Advancement Jay Wendland would love to meet with you to provide an update on what’s happening at FVL. Contact him today!



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